Modernizing Broadcast Television with STARLINK

In the not so distant past we were shouting at someone from across the house to “get off the phone” because we were attempting to download an email. The concept of not being able to download something seems so archaic, right? 

Unfortunately, that old-fashioned horror still exists to some level if you or your company is located in a rural area. If you’re, let’s say, a broadcasting team, operating often in secluded areas with unpredictable connectivity, downloading anything might still be a cumbersome task.  

Well, forwarding our mission of modernizing the antiquated methods of broadcast television, Svet Solutions is excited to announce our latest technological addition, Starlink. SpaceX, led by Elon Musk has developed its own internet that is breaking all the physics of space, download speeds, and contractual obligations. We’re officially set up and ready to go with the service and we’re looking forward to more efficiently servicing our clients in places that otherwise proved difficult. 

Starlink is a satellite-based internet provider owned by SpaceX. It features high-speed, low latency internet, allowing for video calls, online gaming, streaming, and other activities that were once unthinkable for satellite internet. Starlink is a great internet option for rural and remote communities, where internet service is usually unavailable or unreliable. At the same time it offers a revolutionary alternative for traveling professionals who can’t afford to miss an opportunity due to connectivity issues. 

We’re excited to be among the early adopters of Starlink and will continue adding only the most efficient tools to our technological arsenal. This move meshes well with not only our mission but opens a door of possibilities to better serve our clients world-wide in this ever-changing landscape.

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