Bringing Awareness to Movember 

Have you ever noticed that men look hairier in November? Well, they refrain from shaving for a good reason, not just for the impending winter chill. Prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention are the four main men’s health issues that are the focus of the annual fundraising event known as Movember.

Two guys from Australia who wished to raise money for medical causes created Movember in 2003. In order to participate in Movember, they invited 30 of their close friends, or “Mo Bros,” to grow mustaches. Since then, more than 1,250 men’s health projects have been financed in over 20 countries with $911 million in donations raised by Movember.

You might be asking why there are so many beards on social media right now since Movember is all about the mustache. No-Shave November, a different (but more recent) November men’s awareness charity with different programming, should not be confused with Movember. In contrast to Movember, No-Shave November encourages men to forego shaving their faces entirely. According to the non-profit No-Shave November website, the concept behind the organization is for men to appreciate their hair, which many cancer patients lose, and donate the money often spent on shaving and grooming to cancer related charities. 

For guys, taking part in either the Movember or No-Shave November charity is rather simple. But for those without facial hair, it may be more difficult to participate. We’ve listed a couple non-grooming methods that people and businesses may do to support the Movember movement.

1. Organize an event.

It’s simple to organize your own “Mo-ment,” or event, to raise money for men’s health thanks to the Mo-vember Foundation. On the organization’s website, there is a section devoted to event hosts with a wealth of resources and recommendations, including checklists and instructions on how to organize a successful event. To spread the word, the organization puts all of the Moments on its website and frequently distributes them via social media. You can find the link here:

Hosting an event is an excellent way to increase the visibility of your brand or small business while educating the public about your core beliefs and pro-social efforts. Gaining your audience’s support for deserving causes can increase engagement and retention. It benefits both you and Movember.

2. Increase awareness on your socials.

Movember and No-Shave November wouldn’t be as popular as they are now without social media. Only one day into November, there are 2.2 million Instagram posts with the hashtag #movember. You can find Mo Bros and Mo Sisters making pledges if you log onto Facebook or Twitter. One of the key reasons the campaign gained traction quickly is that participants shared their mustache-growing experiences and anecdotes.

Declare your intention to donate money as a brand or company, and invite your clients to join you. Try experimenting with a marketing campaign, like a giveaway, to generate additional hashtags. You can donate here:

Whether you’re a brand, business, or just one person, join the team at Svět Solutions in tagging your posts with #movember or #noshavenovember on social media platforms to increase awareness about the cause.

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